Solid Management System
End the entitlement in your classroom. Stop adding in more prizes, incentives, and stickers. Instead, use this solid classroom management system. Are you spending much of your day correcting behavior or lecturing students instead of actually enjoying teaching? This classroom management system solves it all! This management system relies on a simple process of rules and consequences. There is no bribing, prizes, candy, or having to constantly change up what you're doing to keep your students behaving. No more! This management system puts the responsibility on the students, raises them to high expectations, focuses on intrinsic motivation and ends the entitlement attitude that so many students now are coming into your classroom with. I have used this system successfully in grades 3,4, and 5 personally, however my whole school now uses this exact system in grades 1-8. Everything is specific enough that you'll understand how to use it, but also has the ability for you to make any adaptations necessary. If you want more information before purchasing, please check out my management highlights on my instagram page Please note powerpoint is needed to open some of the material included. The basics of this system are: 5 Classroom Rules Listen and follow directions Use hand signals Stay on task Keep your hands and feet to yourself Respect your classmates, school, and teacher 4 Consequences: Redirect, Sideline, Break Time, Letter Home This system works with consistency from the teacher and builds trust from your students. With high expectations, consistency, and genuine praise you focus on what's most important! Teaching! Included in this essential pack is: -7 pages of teacher information and tips -30 min video guide of me explaining the system to you -Completely Editable Forms including: Behavior Tracker Letter Home Letter to explain the system to parents Think Time Sheets Skills Room Sheets -4 Rule posters in 2 different designs (any rule you have will fit under the broadness of these rules) -Redirect Cards in 2 different designs (used for consequence 1) -A slideshow (powerpoint) to teach your students about the new management system Now includes additional slide templates so you can make any changes as needed -Behavior scenario slide show (now includes 10 scenarios) to further teach the management system with your students. Also includes additional templates to add your own. Let the system take care of your behaviors, so you can focus on what you love....TEACHING! Please note this system is geared towards students in tier 1 and tier 2 behaviors.